Thursday, February 28, 2013

Nine and Twenty

I have a Mo.Hawk. I never thought I'd say that. Feels kinda the same as when I had dreads... Another defiance.. Nose Pierced would be in this same category. I dyed my hair red, with Kool-Aid and Red Number Forty. It stained for two days. Maybe there's a little tint left... Why do I do this? These actions that, to some, are puzzling while, to others, they give inspiration and a sense of connectedness. I don't know how to explain it. I Channel. Energy. I feel the presence of things that are intangible to most people. I am a healer. I harmonize these energies through my awareness and my action. I mourn loss and I appreciate beauty. I strive to find a balance in all things that are living. I recycle what is dead. In many practical ways I am Buddhist.

At the moment Hawai'i, the main island, is where I call Home. Although my kitties are on another continent this is Where I Grow. Life Has BeCome Instantaneous. All I Have is Here and Now. The magic exists around me as I see the world arise from my dreams. Every Thing I have aimed for is actualizing Around Me. It just takes time, and focus, and then You're There. And, Holy Shit, It's Incredible to Realize Your Power. I Swear.

There are Specifics. So Many Specifics. Facts and Details and Knowledge and Lessons. So Many Lessons That Will Keep Repeating Until You Realize Them. So, Wizen Up. Listen. Pay Attention. The Second You Choose To Be An Active Part Of Your Life Every Thing Will Change Before You. First, Your Perspective. Then, Your Relationships. Then, Your Work. Then, Your Home. Be Ready. This Is The Moment You've All Ways Waited For. You Created This. Here and Now. Own It. Cherish It. Use It.

You Have Nothing Else.

x o