Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Fry Days

It's actually Tuesday. A month ago yesterday I found my self landing in Hawai'i. After Maui. For some reason I was sure I wasn't gonna make that flight. I've been walking around, this last year, with death ever present. It hasn't been me. Thankfully. I'm in no way ready to go yet.

The new moon was yesterday/last night. This is how I live my life. By the Lunar Cycle. I am A Gardener. I aim to be one with Soil. I give thanks as I eat what these plants that I love provide. Full Moon is Harvest. A time for the celebration of the fruit of your labor. The New Moon is for planting. A time of work and preparedness. I like to ride the momentum of these natural cycles that influence us on every level. That's just the tip of the iceberg that is massive underneath this surface...

About three weeks ago I gave myself a Mohawk. A very short one. It was the second cutting of hair that I loved. Before that I had dreadlocks. Before the first cutting that is. I loved them but their momentum was more than I was equipped to deal with. Perhaps on the second round tho... And this is how life goes. We learn from each experience that will repeat it's self and we can either grow, with each cycle, or give up. Life will play it's self out whether we choose to be involved. But, if we're engaged, the result will be worthwhile.

It's hard to remain engaged in this day and age. Truthfully, everything about our modern life and economy is meant to keep us distracted. We are powerful beings full of wisdom and light. If we accept this, if we express this, we can not be manipulated. And that's what our society is built on. Manipulation. How hard can I work you before you pass out? How much can I charge you before you will go somewhere else? How long can I subject you to the same information before you know nothing else? This is the process. Of our Work. Of our 'Education'. And people wonder why they come home with headaches feeling exhausted and worthless...

Every human is an enterprise. Each and every one of us has the skill set necessary for success. We are tricked when we focus deliberately on survival (altho, trust me, those instincts have definitely saved my ass also). But, as adults, as intelligent thinking adults, we can do anything we want and, most of the time, we'd be successful.

We are encouraged to be a product, not an individual. We are a number and a tax bracket and a mouth that is addicted to McDonald's. And that's all... unless you choose to omit your self from that system. You have to step, consciously, over that line that is drawn to divide us. On the other side is Free Enterprise. You either have it or You Don't.

so, which is it?


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