Friday, December 16, 2011


Love is My Religion
And, I Mean That,
Most, Seriously.

I claimed that one a long time ago and then I strayed from it... As all must do before they can truly believe in and stand behind some thing. It's a process, this Faith Learning.. But, it's also a beautiful one, undoubtedly.

Love... It means so many things to so many people but when I refer to it I mean it most basically. And, for me.. that simply means UnConDiTionAlly. And, I mean that, truly. At this rate I expect every one I interact with to not understand me; To not see me; To not be able to give me any thing .. and so I expect No Thing. I commit to just standing there, being present, listening and offering help when / where I can. With a smile too, obviously. :) And, as I am present, openly, the most beautiful thing happens, naturally.. Connection. Pure and Simple. Two people, exchanging energy, without boundary or hesitation. It's beautiful, truly, and something I Honor, Especially.

So Here I Am. Being.

It took me a long time to get here.
It takes a lot to be able to stand, for even just a second, surrounded by people, with absolutely no expectation.
It's so foreign that when I say this to people they don't believe me but, truly, it's the truth. Truly!

My needs are so few now
I could literally go any where and be okay

For, I have found, that living this way
This Purely
the universe brings everything i need
easily and quickly

food and shelter
and, currently,
incredible scenery and amazing people

i couldn't ask for any thing more

i feel so grateful

the processes that took place
to get me here ..
i did it quickly
but it required a lot of shedding

a process that could easily take years

but, i didn't have it
so i sped up the process and got
as quickly as possible

My Belief now is that we are all Light Beings
as infants we were born
pure and full

but, life..
especially depending on our circumstance
obstructs this light and covers it with darkness

in truth i believe it is a protective process
like a tough skin
to keep the core

but, depending on the life,
the roughness...
it can become too much

and this causes the variance
in our lives
in our emotions

thank goodness

but, of course, today
the extremes are too much

people laugh at me now
when I talk about it
but, it's true
I used to be a Bitch
I used to be Evil, too...

I know a lot
especially about people
and before, when I was hardened by My Experience of Survival,
I used it to my benefit
to manipulate and over ride people.

that was a long time ago..
because i didn't have the heart
to sustain that ego
but, i was there...
i did take advantage of people.

and, Now I Am Here.
the distance it took
to get me here
was great

each year
each experience
was a shedding
a process of slowly razor bladding that pain and distrust away

it was hard and incredibly difficult
it is no easy process
to skin one's self
but, it's necessary,
if you want to provide
the light and the love
that heals people.

and that was my point.
Unconditional Love..
I Needed it to be My Religion.

In my heart, I know that Acceptance is The Way..
I have all ways known it
and, I guess I could say that comes from living a life while no one understood it.

My past..
So much happened that when I try to summarize it I lose people within a few seconds of it.
Few can even comprehend it
And, really,
That's The Truth Of All Of It.

That's what I realized, when I first went to church, long long ago.
All of us has a story, a history, a life we are recovering from.
No One knows our entire story
And, never could.
All we have is this time, this present, this moment together from which we can move forward.
So, I meet people here.
And I accept all they have been.
And I accept all they are and will be because of where they are coming from.
And, I take care of me, so that I will be protected, should any thing happen to any body.
But, it doesn't, because, loving so openly, it creates opportunity and promotes respect and connectivity.
It is the basis for any stable environment.
It's the only way to move forward,

So, this holiday season,
this year that beckons the creation of all our resolutions..
Aim to be your self
One Hundred Per Cent Completely
And, Aim to Accept Every One Else,
As Equally The Same

And, Just Wait And See What Happens..
Kinda, Immediately, I'd Say...

It's a challenge I hope you'll take seriously!
Because, I promise,
It makes Every Difference

Totally and Completely



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