Tuesday, November 15, 2011

twenty twelve

every where i look i see the vulchers circling.
i love them, in the sky, as they move to gether
searching for their sup per..

i know the feeling
but, right now, i am stationary.

re~evaluating life and all these decisions.
gearing up to finally take those actions.
things are, i think, looking up...

the possibilities are endless.
it's just so easy, too easy, to give up on our selves.

it's no wonder when you consider how few of us are encouraged
encouraged to do and be the things that really mean any thing
it's no wonder we all feel lost and a lone

i travelled
up and down this coast
city to city i wrote

every one loved that i was 'an artist'
every one envied my flexibility and lack of responsibility
every one wanted to come with me

but, couldn't...

what is this life we've created?
where all of us lust after the one we do not have.

when does life become worth living, my friends?
today? yesterday? never?
might as well be...

that's what this year is,
the death of all we used to be
as we harness the power
of all we want
to shoot

out of :
two thousand eleven

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