Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I empower because I am power.

Meagan Ishtar

I am judged every where I go. With every thing that I do. I... am used to it. It's been this way my entire life. When I was a child I looked and acted too old. As an adult I am regularly ridiculed for behaving too young and condemned for appearing as so. It is painful and the reason I have retreated to this mountain that I am so thankful to currently call home.

Life was Hell. All Ways. Pure and Simple. My joy comes from the happiness of my survival. Every day I am thank full. As I open my eyes. As I take my first few conscious breaths. As I feel my body and all the aches and pains that are now the only proof of all I have experienced. No One believes Me. My Life. How.. How could a child smile after all that has happened? How? But I feel it. Every Day. In my joints and In my bones. I see it in the break down of my skin and my teeth and my eyes. Things no one could notice other wise.

And so I cry. In silence. On the mountain.
